Seems Like It's Only Temporary ...

This Has Been On My Mind For A While Now, So I Think It's Time I Make A Post About It. Now, I'm Sure Everyone's Familiar With The Term 'Best Friend', But Just To Be Sure, Here's My Definition:

Best Friend:
A Person You Have Known For A Significantly Long Period Of Time Who Is Much Closer To You Than A Friend And Is Someone You Regard With Great Trust And Affection.

Now, Recently, I've Been Continuously Engaging In A Particular Conversation That Has Begun To Bother Me, Hence The Reason I'm Blogging This. It Goes Something Like This:

Me: *Greets Friend (Daps, Hugs, Etc.) & Engages In Convo*
Friend: *Reciprocates*

*Friend's 'Supposed' Best Friend Passes Through*

Me: *Greets Best Friend*
Best Friend: *Reciprocates*
Friend *Says Nothing, Looks Away, Appears Nonchalant*
Best Friend: *Walks Off*
Me: That's Your Best Friend, Why Didn't You Say Anything?
Friend: *Kanye Shrug* Oh, We're Not Cool/Close/Friends Anymore ...

*Awkward Silence*

Me: So, How 'Bout Them Lakers? ->Insert New Topic Here<-

& That's Pretty Much How It Goes. I Rarely Ask For The Reason Why The Two Aren't Best Friends Anymore, Since I May Not Be Close With That Particular Person, And More Often Than Not, The Situation Is Personal. However, I Can't Help But Wonder What Exactly Happened That Was Soo Hard To Fix That They Can't Be Friends Anymore? The Troubling Aspect About It Is How Common It's Becoming; I See Two People Who Couldn't Be Closer, Practically Tied Together At The Hip One Day, And The Week After That, They Couldn't Be Any More Distant. And To Add To It, The Next Time I See Either Of Them, They Have A New 'Best Friend' ... Usually Someone They Never Would've Spent Time With Before The Incident. It's Only Been A Few Months, But I Swear I've Seen People Going Through 'Best Friends' Like A Sick Person Goes Through Kleenex. If Anything, It Just Goes To Show That The Term 'Best Friend' Has Lost Meaning To Some People; It's Understandable To Let A Friend Go When They Have No Significant Bonds With You, Or If They Were Close To You And Did Something Unforgivable ->Insert Unforgivable Act Here<-, But When The Reason Is Small & Insignificant, Or Something That Could Easily Be Worked Out, It Seems Like An Utter Waste Of All The Time And Memories You've Invested & Made In/With That Person To Just Throw Everything Away So Quickly. If The Individual Is Important To You, Which They Should Be, Seeing As They're Your Best Friend, Then Both Of You Should Make An Effort To Get Through The Ordeal, Instead Of Just Saying, "Screw It, I Want Out." I Hate Seeing People That Were Once The Best Of Friends, But Now, Can't Stand The Sight Of One Another; It's A Sad Thing To Observe, Really. It Just Seems Like Having A Best Friend Nowadays Is Only Temporary ...


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